We build bridges between people to take you where you want to go.


Where some see a box, we see a way to get there through connecting people. Our projects are creative, collaborative and we put together teams tailored for your needs using a multi-disciplinary set of expertise that transcends traditional approaches. Our planning and implementation of your project is tempered by a pragmatic, client-based process which brings your vision from the drawing board to completion.

We help design complex projects and bring them to life.

We love what we do and it shows in how we choose and take care of our clients.








Saving the world matters. Especially to our clients and that matters to us.

Because that is what we help them do.

The Chesapeake Bay. Iconic. Endangered. Our client, GROW Oyster Reefs, has pioneered concrete reef technology to restore the decimated oyster populations and with them the recovery of the largest estuary ecosystem in the world. Here’s how -Shellfish…

The Chesapeake Bay. Iconic. Endangered. Our client, GROW Oyster Reefs, has pioneered concrete reef technology to restore the decimated oyster populations and with them the recovery of the largest estuary ecosystem in the world. Here’s how -

Shellfish filter water, purifying it before it reaches the Bay and ultimately the ocean. GROW’s reefs act as natural filtration systems and offer habitat for marine species that need nursery space for their young. We helped them get significant funding to make the Bay a healthier place for everything.

Pollution kills everything in it’s path, one way or another. Chemical runoff, plastic ingestion, sedimentation, nutrient overload, oxygen starvation.

Pollution kills everything in it’s path, one way or another. Chemical runoff, plastic ingestion, sedimentation, nutrient overload, oxygen starvation.

GROW created a proprietary concrete formula and designed forms that attract and grow spat faster than any other product on the market. The results? More oysters and mussels, cleaner water, a heritage of aquaculture preserved and a rich source of pro…

GROW created a proprietary concrete formula and designed forms that attract and grow spat faster than any other product on the market. The results? More oysters and mussels, cleaner water, a heritage of aquaculture preserved and a rich source of protein.

Once upon a time on a boat in the Caribbean……


…..two divers started talking about what they were passionate about and an idea was born. Now, a program exists that teaches underserved kids living on St. Croix how to scuba dive for free, thanks to a strategic partnership that grew out of a chance meeting and changed lives forever. Soon there will be an economy-stimulating sister program based on eco-tourism that will employ the newly certified divers and let them benefit from an industry previously unavailable to them because of the cost of the training and equipment. They will learn maritime archaeology and coral reef restoration. Careers in marine science, tourism, conservation and the park systems are on their radar. So is college. Ultimately, there will be a myriad of choices available to them. They can dovetail those into their futures. Two hurricanes later and the program is thriving because it was built to last.

DWP works to preserve the oceans by teaching our next generation how to.

DWP works to preserve the oceans by teaching our next generation how to.

Mapping a lost wreck of one of the Tuskegee Airmen filled an historical gap and solved a mystery while honoring Lt. Frank Moody’s service.

Mapping a lost wreck of one of the Tuskegee Airmen filled an historical gap and solved a mystery while honoring Lt. Frank Moody’s service.

Growing and planting coral reefs for fifteen years on the second largest barrier reef in the world has repopulated miles of ocean habitat.

Growing and planting coral reefs for fifteen years on the second largest barrier reef in the world has repopulated miles of ocean habitat.

Sometimes people come to us and say

“We have an idea. We need to make it happen. How do we do that?”

From that moment, quite literally, our collective creativity takes off and we start looking at every aspect of a project. We think of this as a soup to nuts approach, an old fashioned saying that describes a complex menu from start to finish. Fresh Start was exactly that kind of experience for everyone involved, an idea that grew into a plan that will grow into a reality. Conceived out of a moment of clarity when someone said “All I want to do is make a meaningful difference” and born out of compassion and admiration for those people that have challenges most of us cannot fully understand. In thinking about how to bring life to their idea, Dovetail built a project that will provide animal therapy experiences to veterans who served our country. The family of farmers that decided to make a difference will create lifelong memories and lasting impact as they share their knowledge and life with those they now serve. Dovetail is honored to have been chosen as a partner in this project and please feel free to contact us about it. Sneak preview below, we couldn’t wait to share it with you.

Yes, those are his real ears.

Yes, those are his real ears.

Jelly Roll. Must be jelly cause jam don’t roll like that. This is the “Please scratch my forehead” look she has daily. We oblige.

Jelly Roll. Must be jelly cause jam don’t roll like that. This is the “Please scratch my forehead” look she has daily. We oblige.

What is that thing you are pointing at me? Camera? What is camera?

What is that thing you are pointing at me? Camera? What is camera?

The smile says it all.

The smile says it all.

That face! Softest nose in the world right there.

That face! Softest nose in the world right there.

Lamb or puppy? Hard to tell, actually.

Lamb or puppy? Hard to tell, actually.

Babylon Micro-Farms

It doesn’t get any fresher than this.

It doesn’t get any fresher than this.

There are those moments in life when you realize you are standing in the presence of something special.

Game changer, disruptive, whatever the latest buzzword is doesn’t alter the reality that if you are very lucky you sometimes get to participate in a unique opportunity to be part of a team with a vision to change the world and permanently change longstanding paradigms that have existed for millennia. So it was at the TomTom Founders Summit when we first set eyes on Babylon Micro-Farms initial prototype - a raw, early iteration of their belief that they could design a vertical hydroponic system which would radically change how farming is done. Their innovative AI and machine learning based system is the new paradigm and will forever alter how produce can be grown. Imagine having a farm the size of a bookcase in your house or business or at your local hospital. Things have changed since that table top prototype and Babylon has grown (pun intended) into a kick the door down start up with a presence in restaurants, resorts, corporate cafeterias and retirement communities. We could not be more proud to have been a small part of that journey.


Rapid Forensic Cell Technology


It all started when…

….two guys on a tennis court started talking about their latest wins off the court. One was the CEO of a small startup that had been invited to apply for a Small Business Technology Transfer award by the National Science Foundation and needed some help with the grant application process, the other was the COO of one of our clients that had just been at a company meeting where an NSF Phase II application process for an award worth 1M USD had been authorized. He dropped our name and the fun began. The absolutely enthralling part of what we do is talking to people who are brilliant trailblazers. The two founders of Rapid Cell Forensic Technology are all that and more - their company will be able to change the way DNA processing is done. It will be faster, far less expensive, and most importantly reduce the backlog of samples quickly and effectively. It is estimated that there are over 400K sexual assault kits in the US alone waiting to be processed. Being part of the team that helps go after funding for companies like RFCT is rewarding in every sense of the word. It is what keeps us excited and on our toes. It also gets us through the seemingly unending minutiae of grant paperwork, which is an exacting, detail-driven adventure filled with RFA’s that are guaranteed to require multiple readings and cross-referencing with websites and conflicting checklists. But then, we like that kind of challenge. Because in the end, it is worth every moment of frozen portals and arcane references to know that your client has a shot at changing the world because you took the time to do it right. We are grateful to be part of the team.